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Bio's sprekers/speakers


Martin Wolf, Chief Economics Commentator, Financial Times

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Natasha Cazenave, Executive Director, ESMA
Natasha Cazenave hasbeen the Executive Director of the European Securities and MarketsAuthority (ESMA) since June 2021.

She was previously Managing Director in charge of thePolicy and International Affairs Directorate at the French Autorité des Marchés Financiersand, between 2012 and 2016, Chair of IOSCO’s Policy Committee on InvestmentManagement. Prior to that, she worked for a European consultancy specialized in corporategovernance and the promotion of investor rights. She started her career in the Valuation andBusiness Modelling team of Ernst & Young Corporate Finance.Natasha Cazenave holds a master’s degree in Economics and Finance from the University of Paris Dauphine.


Steven Maijoor, Directeur toezicht DNB
Steven Maijoor is per 1 april 2021 directeur toezicht. Hij is verantwoordelijk voor Toezicht Banken, Toezicht Horizontale Functies en Integriteit en voor Juridische Zaken.

Hij is lid van de Supervisory Board van de Europese Centrale Banken de Board of Supervisors van de European Banking Authority. Tevens is hij lid van de Trustees van de IFRS Foundation. Voordat Steven lid werd van de directie van DNB was hijvoorzitter van de European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) (2011–2021). Van 2004–2011 was hij directeur bij de Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM). Daarvoor was hij verbonden aan de School of Business and Economics van de Universiteit Maastricht als hoogleraar bedrijfseconomie (1994–2004) en als decaan (2001–2004).Steven studeerde bedrijfseconomie aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. In 1991 promoveerde hij tot doctor in hetzelfde vakgebied aan de Universiteit Maastricht. Geboren: 3 februari 1964 te Hongkong.


Joud Abdel Majeid, Senior Managing Director, Global Head of Investment Stewardship, BlackRock
Joud Abdel Majeid,Senior Managing Director, is the Global Head of Investment Stewardship forBlackRock and a member of the firm’s Global Executive Committee.

She is responsible forleading the stewardship team and all its activities as it engages with companies to promoteeffective governance and create long-term value for clients.Prior to stewardship, Ms. Abdel Majeid was Deputy Chief Financial Officer for BlackRock whereshe ledthe Investor Relations, Corporate Development, Financial Planning and Analysis, andManagement Information Initiatives functions within BlackRock’s Finance Department.She previously served as Chief of Staff to the CEO and was responsible for oversight oftheExecutive Office of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and oversaw engagements withclients, policymakers, public officials, and BlackRock’s Board of Directors.Ms. Abdel Majeid joined BlackRock in September 2017 as Chief Operating Officer of BlackRockSolutions, which delivers the firm’s Aladdin technology. In this role, she was responsible for thecommercial strategy and day-to-day operations of the business.Prior to joining Blackrock, Ms. Abdel Majeid was Head of Strategy and Corporate Developmentat E*TRADE Financial. In this role, she was responsible for corporate strategy, performancemanagement, M&A, and integration activities. Prior to E*TRADE, Ms. Abdel Majeid was amanagement consultant at Booz & Company where she advised financial institutions onstrategic, operational, and organizational matters. Ms. Abdel Majeid started her career in realestate investment lending.Ms. Abdel Majeid holds an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at NorthwesternUniversity and a bachelor’s degree, summa cum laude, in finance and economics from ElmhurstCollege.


Corné van Zeijl, economist/strategist, Cardano NL
Corné is sinds 1986 werkzaam in het effectenvak.

Hij startte zijn carrière bij Staal Bankiers als beleggingsanalist. In september 1994 begon hij eerst als portfoliomanager bij Zurich InsuranceNetherlands. Later als CIO verantwoordelijk voorde totale beleggingsportefeuille. Tegenwoordig is hij werkzaam als strateeg/ econoom en lid van het asset allocatie team van Cardano. Corné is een bekend spreker in verschillende media, zoals het BNR, FD, RTLZ en de Telegraaf. Hij schreef een tweetal boeken, o.a. ”Centen en sentiment”, een boek over de psychologische aspecten van het gedrag van beleggers. Corné is afgestudeerd in Bedrijfseconomie aan de Haagsche Hogeschool en VBA-gecertificeerd.


Stéphane Boujnah, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Managing Board, Euronext N.V.
Stéphane Boujnah is CEO and Chairman of the Managing Board of Euronext, the pan-European market infrastructure operating regulated markets in Amsterdam, Brussels, Dublin, Lisbon, Milan, Oslo and Paris.

Euoronext also operates post-trade infrastructures in Copenhagen, Milan, Oslo and Porto, as well as a pan-European electricity trading platform, NordPool, and a FX trading platform operating from New York London and Singapore. In addition, Euronext operates commercial and technology platforms in Bergen, Berlin, Espoo, Helsinki, London, Madrid, Munich, Rotterdam, Stockholm, Tallinn and Vilnius. Stéphane Boujnah became CEO of Euronext in November 2015 when the company had revenues below EUR 500m and a market capitalization below EUR 2bn. As of August 2023, Euronext generates revenues close to EUR 1.5bn and has a market capitalization between EUR 7bn and 8bn. Stéphane Boujnah led the acquisitions of the Irish Stock Exchange in 2018, Oslo Børs in 2019, VP Securities in Copenhagen and NordPool in Oslo in 2020, and Borsa Italiana Group in 2021.
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Gerben Everts, director, European Investors-VEB
Since 2021, Gerben is executive director of European Investors - Dutch Shareholders’ Association (‘EI-VEB’). 

Up to and including 2020, Gerben completed two four-year terms as member of the Executive Board of the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM). He had the ultimate responsibility for supervision of capital markets, financial infrastructure, asset management, audit firms, corporate governance and financial reporting. Qualitate qua, he has been a member of the Board of Supervisors of ESMA, IOSCO and IFIAR. Before joining the AFM, he worked at the largest asset manager for pension funds in Europe, APG, for the European Commission on EU financial markets and services integration and for the Ministry of Finance. He began his professional career as an auditor at Price Waterhouse.


J.M.A. (Alexander) van der Lof MBA, Voorzitter Raad van Bestuur en CEO, TKH
Mr J.M.A. (Alexander) van der Lof MBA has been chair of the Executive Board and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of TKH Group since 2001.

He began his time with us in 1985 and held various positions at management and board level with B.V. Twentsche Kabelfabriek (TKF), most recently in the post of commercial director. In addition to his career at TKF, Mr Van der Lof also worked for a number of years as Company Secretary of N.V. Twentsche Kabel Holding and as co-ordinator of the Technische Handelsgroep. In 1998 he joined the Executive Board of TKH as Chief Financial Officer.


Dr. P.A.M. Berdowski, Voorzitter Raad van Bestuur en CEO Koninklijke Boskalis B.V.
Peter Berdowski trad in 1997 in dienst bij Boskalis als lid van de Raad van Bestuur en werd in 2006 benoemd tot voorzitter daarvan.

Voor 1997 bekleedde Peter diverse leidinggevende posities in Nederland. Hij werkte voor de Koninklijke Shell Groep en Krekel Van der Woerd en Wouterse. Peter Berdowski is geboren in december 1957, heeft de Nederlandse nationaliteit, is gehuwd en Doctor in de Chemie (Universiteit van Utrecht).


drs. R.M.S.M. Munsters MiF
Roderick Munsters (1963) works in various roles as a non-executive and board advisor. He currently is chairman of the board of Athora Netherlands in Amsterdam, a supervisory board member of UnibailRodamcoWestfield SE in Paris, independent non-executive director at BNY Mellon Bank SA/NV in Brussels and at Wisayah Investment Corporation in Damman, Saudi Arabia.

From 2019 to 2023 Roderick was a member of the Dutch Monitoring Committee on Corporate Governance. He also chairs the supervisory board of hockeyclub Oranje-Rood in Eindhoven. Roderick has spent most of his executive career in Asset Management, where he was CEO of Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management and CEO of Robeco Group NV. Before this he worked as chief investment officer and member of the executive board at Europe largest pension funds ABP and PGGM. Roderick was a founding board member and later chair of Eumedion, the Dutch corporate governance network for institutional investors. He has also been a board member of the International Corprate Governance Network (ICGN).


Jos Baeten, voorzitter van de Raad van Bestuur en de Management Board (CEO), a.s.r.

Klik hier voor biografie


Feike Sijbesma
Feike Sijbesma had several leadership positions at Gist-brocades and Royal DSM. From 2007 till 2020 Feike was CEO of DSM.

He transformed DSM from a bulk-chemical company into a global leading Life- & Materials Sciences company, focused on nutrition, health & sustainable living. At DSM sustainability and innovation are core values and main business drivers. DSM became a purpose driven company: doing well (450% Shareholder Return) by doing good and contributing to a better world. Feike is a strong advocate for diversity as well.

After stepping down as CEO, he became DSM’s Honorary Chairman. 

In first half of 2020, Feike has been Netherlands’ Special Corona Envoy. He is Chairman of the Board of Royal Philips, and was member of the Board of Unilever and the Dutch Central Bank (DNB). 

Feike is currently also co-chair, together with Ban Ki-Moon, of the Global Center on Adaptation. He is Climate Leader of the World Bank, focusing on carbon pricing. He is heading the (WEF) CEO Climate Leaders group and also member of the IMF Advisory Board and founder of Africa Improved Foods as well as advisor of The Ocean Cleanup. He is ambassador of the UN World Food Program. Feike is member of the Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum. 

Mr. Sijbesma received the Humanitarian of the Year Award from the UN; as well as an honorary doctorate from Maastricht and Groningen University (NL); he was listed on Fortune’s World's 50 Greatest Leaders, and one of world’s 100 most successful CEO’s by Harvard Business Review. He got decorated as Grand Officer in the order of Orange Nassau, one of The Netherlands’ highest royal decorations. 

Feike Sijbesma is founder and director of Darwin International, a company focused on advising and investing in smaller start up in food and climate arena and purpose driven bigger companies. 

Mr. Sijbesma studied medical/molecular biology at Utrecht University and business administration at Erasmus University Rotterdam and followed courses at IMD, INSEAD and Harvard Business School. He is married and has 2 boys. 


Armand Kersten, Head of European Affairs, European Investors-VEB

Armand Kersten is head of European Affairs. He joined European Investors in 2017.  He is an internationally experienced lawyer, and a banking and compliance professional.

For almost 20 years he held varied positions in several countries within ABN AMRO Group’s company management services, international private banking, and group compliance departments. He was ABN AMRO Group’s delegate at the Wolfsberg Group of Banks. As such he co-drafted the Wolfsberg Anti Money Laundering Principles of 2000 and 2003. In 2001 he was appointed global head of compliance ABN AMRO Private Banking and some years later Armand was appointed head of ABN AMRO Group Compliance Policy. Thereupon Armand was senior manager in the Forensic Investigations & Dispute Services practice with EY in the Netherlands.

Trained as a lawyer, Armand holds a PhD from Erasmus University Rotterdam, where he has lectured on corporate governance, company law, and regulatory strategy and risk. In his doctorate thesis ‘Compliance at Banks’ he addresses the crossroads between company law and financial markets law.