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08.00 - 08.45: Inloop: koffie & thee
08.45 - 08.55: Opening & Dagvoorzitter: Gerben Everts, Director, European Investors-VEB
08.55 - 09.05: Opening beurs van Amsterdam met gongslag
09.10 - 10.05: 100 jaar VEB over: risico en rendement, de toekomst van de kapitaalmarkt en de grote uitdagingen van de huidige samenleving

We reflecteren op de beursnotering en de rol van particuliere en institutionele beleggers bij de grote maatschappelijke uitdagingen zoals het streven naar duurzaamheid en de energietransitie.

  • Jos Baeten, CEO, ASR Nederland
  • Alexander van der Lof, CEO, TKH Group
  • Peter Berdowski, CEO, Boskalis

Moderation: Joost Schmets (European Investors-VEB)

Beurs Column:

Op de lange termijn is beleggen een superieure manier om vermogen te beheren en behouden. Dat heeft de afgelopen 100 jaar wel bewezen. Tot zover het verleden, maar hoe nu verder? Wat zijn verstandige manieren van beleggen in de wereld van morgen?

  • Corné van Zeijl, Economist / Strategist, Cardano


10.05 - 10.50: Pauze met koffie en thee
10.50 - 13.15: Internationaal programma 

Welcome & Chair: Gerben Everts, Director, European Investors-VEB

Keynote/Fireside chat:

10.50 - 11.10: 
Martin Wolf, Chief Economics Commentator, Financial Times 
11.10 - 11.35: Feike Sijbesma, Chairman Supervisory Board, Philips and former CEO, DSM


11.35 - 12.20: Session I: 'Restoring ownership: one share - one vote'
Should shareholder voting power be proportionate to economic ownership? In recent years, markets have strayed from the "one share – one vote" principle to accommodate founders’ protection, attract new issuers and give in to competitive pressures between countries/exchanges.

However, times are changing once again, as most investors are getting more critical of poor governance structures like disproportionate voting rights. How will better alignment with economic ownership impact long-term decision-making and stewardship?

Panel discussion, including keynote:

  • Joud Abdel Majeid, Senior Managing Director, Global Head of Investment Stewardship, BlackRock
  • Feike Sijbesma, Charman Supervisory Board, Philips and former CEO, DSM
  • Roderick Munsters, Chairman Supervisory Board, Athora Netherlands and member of the Supervisory Board, Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield

Moderation: Gerben Everts
, Director, European Investors-VEB

12.20 - 12:40 Jubilee Intermezzo: VEB100

12.40 - 13.25 Session II: ‘One competitive market, fragmented rules’
European Investors-VEB was established almost 100 years ago to help investors protect their interests across Europe. Since then, capital markets have become much more efficient. However, despite many efforts, European capital markets are still fragmented, lacking a real equity culture with effective shareholder rights and protection.

What measures are needed to make EU capital markets more attractive for investors, and how realistic is it that things will improve in the short term?

Panel discussion, including keynote:

  • Stéphane Boujnah, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Managing Board, Euronext N.V.
  • Natasha Cazenave, Executive Director, European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)
  • Steven Maijoor, member of the Executive Board including Banking supervision and on-side supervision and banking expertise of DNB

Moderation: Armand Kersten, Head of European Affairs, European Investors-VEB

13.25 - 13.30: Closing words: Gerben Everts
13.30 - 14.30 Lunchbuffet